Chicken anyone?
Slang. A coward.
Slang. Afraid; cowardly.
intr.v. Slang chick·ened, chick·en·ing, chick·ens
To act in a cowardly manner; lose one's nerve: chickened out at the last moment.
“To chicken out” means “to become scared and not want to do something”.
Hell, I hate chickens. I like eggs, with the sunny side up.
And yes the north-south divide does exist and I am experiencing it from unexpected quarters.
But of course the divide will exist … go ahead FIX IT!
- herself, ignoramus
Hi Ideal Boy.
Come on cheer up now already! You sound so down and out. btw you are a rarity among ur peoples. With guys like you I am sure we will soon close the NS divide!
North-South divide? Getting cleared? Who's kidding whom? As an outsider, I say, it will take a miracle, umm... not just one, a spate of them....
Clannism and xenophobia are things which have never been removed, and never will. Best thing is to exert moderation and control....
Spot on Gin Soaked Boy.
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