Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Hoot

From their own web site --

Why This Website
The subcontinent has plenty of media, it does not have enough scrutiny of the media. This portal is the outcome of the concern felt by a group of practicing journalists at some recent trends in journalism in this part of the world. It is an attempt to revive a concern for media ethics, restore focus on development
in the subcontinent, and preserve press freedom. It will attempt to hold a mirror to the way journalists practice their craft in this region. It will be devoted to examining issues of accuracy, fairness, right to information, censorship, and the responsibility of the media.. It is aimed at journalists, users of the media including lay readers and viewers, and students and teachers of journalism and communications. Particularly for the last group, as for media professionals, it attempts to bring together several relevant links and readings. It also attempts to provide tools for communities and individuals to interact with the media.


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