Thursday, July 01, 2004


I am in the 'Free pool', a term some management guy
has invented in my company to replace the usual 'Bench'
which was invented by some other management guy in some
other company, or is that the same guy who has shifted
from the other company.

I think I am brain dead.

Now, what will happen if I tell this to some people
overhere? The very next moment sombody will crack a PJ.
'Oh!! Do you have any?'
That kills me. It really does. But sometimes its really
fun to crack such PJ and check out the reaction.
Scene 1:
If I do this to any of my friends then all I am going to get
is a cold stare and total silence or an occasional burp or at max
a @#$% off.
Scene 2:
A mix of dumb guys and some girls, even one will do. And I repeat
the act. Oh, Boy!! I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Whats going on in my mind, sneeeek preview:
Its soo boring
Kya aap close up karte hain
I'll attend the interview
I'll not attend the interview
Will it rain if I go to Nandi Hill on Sunday
Where will we go for lunch today
Somebody mail me
Where is Jaggi
Main Dabur ka Lal Dant Manjan istemaal karta hoon
Dell QuiteKey Keyboard, thats a lie, its not quite at all
Its a long post
Its my third post
Who will read this
Gogo need a goggle

Again I am bored

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